Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Almost b/w

I do like winter, but cloudy November days can be really boring. There isn't much snow yet.

The temperature is just below zero (Celsius, in Fahrenheit that would be about 30 degrees), and there is a light mist, which softens the lines of trees on the other side of the lake.

There is less than an inch of snow. After the night, there are always paw prints of hares and squirrels around our home, and sometimes, like this morning, you can find these... each print is three inches long and the animal looks to have been running and perhaps chasing somebody smaller, a squirrel, perhaps.

We think it's a lynx, but we are not certain.  The (Eurasian) lynx is said to be an opportunistic predator, it feeds on whatever animal appears easiest - including hares and squirrels, for instance.

Well, to be able to catch a squirrel, it must be swift. The squirrels are so fast, much too fast for me! :)
This is my best photo so far:

To add some colour to this post, a chocolate box dedicated to winter (in Finnish "talvi")! The illustrations are by Mauri Kunnas, a Finnish cartoonist and children's author. More about his work later.

Stay warm!

14 kommenttia:

  1. Meilläkin on kerran vieraillut ilves. Oli juosta jolkutellut tuosta suotietä pitkin. Minähän kuvasin jälkiä, totta vie. Harmi vain, kun metsästäjät jahtaa niitä. Pitää varmaan olla lupa kuitenkin. Täällä on nurmella ohut lumiharso, ei sen enempää ja yksi aste pakkasta. Näillä mennään. Tuttava SKYPEtti eilen Kanadasta entisiltä paikoilta ja sanoi siellä olevan jo talvi, kohta pääsevät jääkalaan.

    1. Olisi hienoa nähdä ilves luonnossa, tai vaikka pihallakin... ja yrittää kuvata!
      Miten tuttavasi Kanadassa kalastavat jäältä, verkoillako?

  2. Sometimes the predators are needed to keep the small critters in check which is what we are sorely missing here since all the houses being built. Squirrels and rabbits have very high numbers and nothing hunting them except silly dogs like mine. :-)
    Love the second photo Sara, it has a mysterious air to it.

    1. Thanks, Judith! I like the second photo too, and I was happy to have noticed the view. It was only a tiny part of the field of vision and photographed with a zoom lens.
      Even though very cute, some of our hares have the habit of eating exactly my favourite plants!
      Does your doggy have any success in hunting? :)

  3. I love the misty trees with snow!

    1. Thank you, Donna! I like them too, but as you can see our weather is really grey in these days.
      That's why we need your bright flowers!

  4. Your photos of the woods in the mist look mysterious and secretive and very beautiful. I envy you the snow, we get so little here - some years none at all. It does brighten up the landscape.

    1. Thanks, Lorrie! That is exactly why I liked the second photo. Fog and mist are actually rather rare here during the day, and always mysterious.
      If the weather here will be as it should, you will see loads of photos of snow in the next few months... :)

  5. Kauneus piilee marraskuunkin maisemassa, hiljainen ja suttuinen ilma puhuttelee eri tavalla kuin kesäkuvat. Ihania kuvia! HUima ajatus, että susi olisi kulkenut ihan kodin läheltä! Ei tee mieli mennä yksi metsökävelylle illalla! Kurrella näyttää olevan jo talviturkki. Täytyykin muistaa ostaa tuota joulusuklaata jouluksi, se on yksi lemppareista.

    1. Minäkin pidän tuosta hieman sumuisesta kuvasta. Täällä on sumua oikeastaan aika harvoin päivän aikaan, joten kuvaustilaisuudet on käytettävä hyväksi!
      Maistoin tuota suklaata ensimmäistä kertaa, ja siitä tuli heti lemppari. Nyt on Julia-paketti avattuna, vaikka yritän olla lujana, kun jouluun on vielä yli kuukausi!

  6. O yes, November days can be gloomy, misty and boring, but your pictures are wonderful and cheer me up.

  7. Loved the 2nd photo down with the drooping branches. Winter is great for "moody" shots. I also love your squirrel. Those huge ears are so neat. Much different then the variety of squirrel we have in our area.

    1. Thank you, Ida! Lovely to hear from you!
      I find the squirrel very cute too.
      Concerning the weather, I would really prefer the brilliant autumn colours of your most recent post (for Wordless Wednesday)!!


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