Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

Thank you for your visit.


More colours! - On following

Oh, I have so many COLOURFUL autumn photos to share with you! Here are some of them... and I participate also with these ones in this week's MakroTex challenge at Pieni Lintu.

Some of you may have noticed that I removed the 'Follow Me' gadget some time ago. It wasn't working correctly and I thought those with a Blogger blog, if willing to follow, can anyway add my blog to their reading list. Now, joining some blogs, I have noticed that recently that option is not without problems either. To make a long story short:  I'm not happy with how the FM gadget works but have re-included it... in the footer. Following through Blogger is very comfortable, at least I love receiving the new posts of my favourite blogs directly on my dashboard.

I warmly welcome the followers through Google+ and Bloglovin', but if you want to keep really in touch, join the blog through 'Followers'. I follow back all bloggers who seem to have joined out of genuine interest (and not just to promote their business etc.). By the way, sometimes it's not easy to find your blog. If  you leave a comment, finding you becomes easier... or you can always contact me through email. :)

Have a lovely weekend!

Olen lisännyt Lukijat-gadgetin takaisin blogiini, vaikka se esimerkiksi näyttää lukijoiden määrän aivan väärin. Se on nyt tuolla alhaalla. :) "Lukijoiden" kautta liittyminen näyttää nyt onnistuvan paremmin kuin lukuluettelon ja gadgetin kautta liittyneet on minunkin helpointa löytää. Kiitos myös muuta kautta seuraaville... valitettavasti vain en tiedä ketä esimerkiksi Blogipolun kautta seuraajat ovat! Seuraisin mielelläni teidän blogejanne. Jättäkää kommentti tai lähettäkää sähköpostia! :)

Kaunista viikonloppua!

32 kommenttia:

  1. these are GORGEOUS! have a beautiful day! the first image is my favourite!

    1. Thank you, Jandi!
      It's always very interesting to know what the readers' favourites are. Often they are not the same as mine.
      You too, have a lovely day!

  2. Toinen toistaan kauniimpia syksyn kuvia.
    Tuo porkkanoista seuraava kuva näyttää arvoitukselliselta ja taiteelliselta.
    Kuin koristehapsua :)

    1. Proosallisten porkkanoiden jälkeen salaperäisiä saniaisia. :)
      Kiitos, Rita!

  3. Toinen ylhäältä on aivan huikea - ilmeisestikin korallikanukka! Nautitaan väreistä niin kauan kuin niitä jatkuu!

    1. Kiitos, Riitta!
      Kyllä se korallikanukka on. Epäilin hetken sen ja verikanukan välillä ja kävin pihalla tarkistamassa. :) Nyt on ihanan värikästä, moni paikka ihan kauneimmillaan.

  4. Kauniita kuvia, ihanaa syksyä sinulle! Oon niin pölkky etten oikein tajunnut mitä olit lisännyt, mutta ehkei se haittaa :) Nykyisin aina kun näen astereita niin ajattelen sinua!

    1. Hei, älä sano pölkyksi minun suosikkibloggaajaani! :)
      Me seuraamme jo toistemme blogeja, joten ei tarvitse välittää siitä kohdasta ollenkaan. :D

  5. Kauniit kuvat!
    Hieno tuo porkkana kuva!
    Mukavaa torstai päivää sinne!❤️

    1. Kiitos, Sari!
      Porkkanat kasvoivat melko hyvin tänä kesänä.
      Oikein mukavaa loppuviikkoa! ♥

  6. Beautiful photos of flowers, leaves etc. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  7. Thanks Sara for sharing your colors. they are beautiful. Here the fall take a little longer, it is also wonderful.

  8. Syksyn värit ovat aivan mahtavia!

  9. Google support for blogger is never that great. Why is there no proper mobile app, why is it impossible to post from a mobile phone on the web. Very irritating.

    Lovely colourful shots, in better news!

  10. Lovely warm colours, autumn is just around the corner.

  11. Kauniita syksyisiä kuvia.

  12. Nyt ainakin sivusi on hyvin informatiivinen - huima luettelo kiinnostavista blogeista! Ihanaa syksyn väriloistoa viestivät kuvat, silti kiehtovin on pehmeän ruskehtava saniaiskuva!

  13. Wonderful colors and textures to welcome the first day of autumn!! So lovely to see so many aspects in your series! Have a very good day and weekend, as well!

  14. Hello Sara, hope you are well. Sept seems to be flying by so quickly. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. You have captured the colours beautifully. Whoever would have thought that carrots would be photogenic but you have made them look gorgeous!
    Enjoy what remains of September with hugs from us :)x

  15. You have gathered some wonderful autumn colors to share with us, Sara! These are my favorite tones....Wishing you a beautiful first day of autumn! xx Karen

  16. You know I love trees Sara but I have to admit the photo of the carrots stole my heart in this post. I don't imagine I'll put the follow option back on my blog, my friends are on the sidebar and that makes it easy for me to visit them.
    Did you enter to join Stephanie's (The Enchanting Rose) teacup exchange?

  17. Oh, there is so much autumnal goodness in these photos, Sara. I love the variety in colour! Thanks for sharing such beautiful captures!

  18. Great autumn colour post Sara and the carrots jumped out, lovely variety of foliage, flowers and food.

  19. Dear Sara,
    Beautiful colorful autumnal photos.
    I wish you a lovely weekend. Best regards ... Dorothea :-)

  20. All lovely photographs but my favourite is your second photograph - I love the way the light, shade and colour work so well together.

    Enjoy your weekend, I hope the weather is good

    All the best Jan

  21. Wonderful images. The carrots are just begging to be eaten.

  22. Beautiful fall photos and colours! Have a lovely week ahead.

  23. Hauska tuo porkkanakuva! Eipä olisi tullut mieleenikään niitä kuvata, vaikka tulikin eilen niitä urakalla rapsuteltua. Ihana postaus jälleen.

  24. Kauniit värikkäät kuvat.

  25. Everything looks pretty! I am especially loving the carrots ♥


  26. On behalf of our carrots and myself, I THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS. :) I hope to have visited everyone by now.


  27. Ihana värimaailma tässä postauksessa! <3


Thank you for your comment! It is very much appreciated.
It may take awhile but I will always visit you back.

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