Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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Friday favourites

Hello! Here are my this week's favourite photos for Five on Friday. Thank you, Amy, for hosting!

Enjoy your weekend!

33 kommenttia:

  1. Ihania kuvia, ihania tunnelmia. Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle <3

  2. I love your photos. The colour of your wool is very pretty. What are you making? Barbara

    1. Thank you, Barbara! :)
      I had one ball of this multicoloured wool and I made wrist warmers for my mother and myself.

  3. Love your photo shots and the knitting looks great

  4. Perjantaisi näyttää oikein ihanalta ja kutsuvalta! Ihmettelen aina miten nuo pienet metsäneläimet selviävät... Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  5. Great photos. That golden light on the trees is wonderful. I like the expression on the squirrel's face. Tulips are a favourite flower of mine. Clever you with the knitting needles and the making of the fruit dessert with your own berries. Keep warm, Sara!

  6. Ciao carissima! scusami se non ti vengo a trovare da un po' di tempo (il tuo blog intendo) sono stata davvero presa con il lavoro e la vita in generale. I wanted to tell you that this past weekend I tried making marshmallows but they turned out a disaster hahaha! I'll try again this weekend... I'm pretty sure of what I did wrong. I hope you have a great weekend cara. xoxo Silvana

  7. Voi ei, ihania juttuja! Oravaparka taitaa palella. Tuo sukkalanka oli aika herkku, minkä merkkistä se on, saanko udella? Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle

    1. Kiitos, Sametti Hortensia! :)
      Kuvan lanka on Novitan Nalle Taika. Se on ohuempaa kuin esimerkiksi Seitsemän veljestä (jossa myös on herkullisia väriyhdistelmiä). Olen tosi innostunut näistä ihanista väreistä, mutta itse lankaan olin hivenen pettynyt. Se oli karheampaa kuin olin toivonut eikä neulejäljestä tullut niin tasaista kuin odotin.
      Aurinkoista viikonloppua!

  8. Stunning, what a wonderful set of photos. You are certainly a very talented photographer.

  9. Onpas aivan ihania kuvia! Kaikki kuvat mahtavia. Tuo orava on niin hellyttävä, sukkakuvassa ihanat värit ja tulppaanit ovat aina yhtä ihania. Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle!

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the squirrel:)

  11. Hienoja kuvia ja hauska orava tuossa neljännessä kuvassa.

  12. Beautiful photos, love the colours in your knitting yarn and the squirrel is very sweet :)

  13. Love the squirrel and the golden tree

  14. I like tulips. The soft wool, and more, this rich dessert ♥ Sara;))
    Have a good weekend.

  15. I'm sure Sara, your kissel is very delicious +cream, yummy!I love your knitting I do the same, seeing a thermometer outside. Love your yellow tulips -they bring a small part of spring.

  16. I simply luv your pastel Friday!

    A bit "biirrrrrrr", a bit "awwww", a bit "O M G" and a bit "yum yum" from me to all the images dropped from your camera!!!

    Happy weekend ♥

  17. Great photos. I just love the yellow tulips. I enjoyed all the photos. Your dessert looks delicious. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  18. Beautiful photo's thanks for sharing. :)

  19. Beautiful in every way!!! I adore the photo of the squirrel, that is incredible isn't it, he is so cute!!! Your dessert looks delicious too! Thank you for joining Five On Friday. Happy Weekend! xx

  20. Lovely selections! Enjoy the weekend and stay warm.

  21. I love the first photo... it speaks of spring amid all this cold and freeziness.

  22. Such lovely photos you have shared today, Sara. I would love to visit Finland one day. Many of my neighbors in Turkey are from your beautiful country. Enjoy your weekend, Pat :)

  23. That squirrel looks cold. He probably wants to come inside to enjoy the blooms and the Kissel.

  24. Oh my goodness - that squirrel is just so cute - wonderful photos.

  25. Beautiful photos. I can not even imagine -32 degreesC. We have been having temperatures in the 40degC plus this week and it is terribly hot.

  26. What fantastic photos, the colors are amazing.

  27. Amazing photos, have a wonderful weekend :)

  28. Great Five! Love the photos!

  29. That squirrel makes me laugh! Great shot. Love the yellow glowing tulips! Stay warm and cozy, Sara.

  30. Love that squirrel picture. He looks very inquisitive! Looks to be as cold there as it is here ( near Toronto). Love your photography - I am looking forward to seeing more of it the future.



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