Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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It was needed to find something YELLOW for this week's MakroTex challenge. This is a yellow pepper even though it looks orange in the photo... I had the idea of Halloween peppers from a blogger friend from Britain. In Jan's post, you can see how peppers look when they have been carved properly. :)

Other spooky things photographed recently: A Halloween squirrel...

... a Halloween candle, floating in the air...

... Halloween socks? I just finished these warm socks. They will be delivered by Father C. to a certain fisherman (who doesn't read this blog regularly - let's hope he misses this post).

MakroTex-haasteen tämän viikon aihe on KELTAINEN.  Ylimmän kuvan taidokkaasti kaiverrettu paprika ja kuvissa olevat kynttilät ovat keltaisia, vaikka näyttävät (melkein) oransseilta. Alla oleva kuva todistaa paprikan olleen keltainen. :)


Haasteeseen liittymätön kysymys suomalaisille lukijoille: Katsooko teistä kukaan MTV3:n "Roba"-poliisisarjaa? 

Se on tällä hetkellä minun TV-viikkoni kohokohta, mielenkiintoinen, uskottava, sopivan jännittävä. Olisipa tällaisia suomalaissarjoja enemmänkin. Hyvistä näyttelijöistä tulevat ensimmäisinä mieleen Kari Hietalahti, Mari Perankoski ja Taneli Mäkelä, aivan ihania jo "Ihmisten puolueessa" ja "YleLeaksissä" sekä esimerkiksi sympaattinen Leena Pöysti.

Kolmannen kauden 5. jakso ensi sunnuntaina...

Mukavaa lokakuista viikkoa!

The Halloween peppers were eaten (photo above). :)

I wish you all a happy and healthy week... and a safe Halloween too.


35 kommenttia:

  1. Paprikastakin saa tuon koristeen! Ken keksii, se osaa!

  2. Oletpa sinä säikyttlevällä tuulella - aivan hui! Vietä hauska päivä!

  3. So that was a pepper in the first picture !!! You could have fooled me. Looks just like a pumpkin :D

    Good to have the evidence; all the candles and the lantern look orange or brown. Only the flames are yellow. 💛

    Brilliant post ! Nyt kaikki paprikoita leikkelemään 🙂 Ihastuttavat villasukat ja söötti orava taas.

  4. Onpas hieno Halloween koriste paprikasta!😀
    Olen kuullut monen kehuvan tuota Roba sarjaa. Itse en ole katsonut, kun ei ole aikaa.
    Kari Hietalahti on hyvä näyttelijä.
    Mukavaa viikkoa sinne!

  5. Wishing you a safe Halloween too Sara.
    Your squirrel friend looks as though he got quite a fright after peeking through your window and seeing that rather frightening spooky pepper!!
    Lovely photos of your candles and that very special someone is going to be over the moon with those stunning hand knitted socks!
    Wishing you a wonderful week and a not too spooky Halloween with hugs from us :)xx

  6. love your knitting! and all the yellow! carving peppers is so clever! peppers are a big favourite in our house... <3

  7. I just love Halloween and as always enjoy looking at your lovely photographs. What a great idea for carving a pepper... so much easier than a real pumpkin!

  8. Kauniit sukat ja kynttilöiden hohto.

  9. Ihanan valaisevia ja piristäviä keltaisia kuvia.
    Kauniit sukat.

  10. Kauniita kuvia jälleen. Ihana tuo paprika :-)

  11. Kaunista ja herkullista keltaista

  12. Hei Sara! "Hallowen kurpitsa" on mainio. Ihailen taitoasi kutoa noin kauniita sukkia.

  13. Katsoin Roban ekan ja tokan kauden, mutta nyt olen tykästynyt enemmän uuteen Sorjoseen.

    Nuo sukat ovat kauniit!

  14. Your carved pepper is cute. Great photos as usual. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  15. Good Afternoon Sara, It is lovely to meet you. I do feel that 'certain someone' is going to be very pleased with the socks which you have knitted.
    What a fun idea, creating a 'pumpkin lookalike' with the pepper. My children are grown now, so I tend not to make things for Halloween, but it has been fun sharing yours.
    Best Wishes to you.

  16. I love your Halloween pepper. What a cute idea! The squirrel looks like it had quite a fright indeed. The socks are such gorgeous colours! Lucky fisherman who receives them. I have started lighting candles at suppertime again as it is getting darker then. I enjoy candle season. Beautiful photos!

  17. How lovely post! It brought a smile to my face. :)

  18. Iiihhana paprika ja hienot kynttiläkuvat! Tosi kiva idea! Näin noita paprikoita myös halloween ruokana. Olin jo aamusta laittamassa kommenttia, mutta en ollutkaan painanut lähetä-nappia. Heh! on kyllä pieni mörökölli tuo oravainen.

  19. Love the colors of this post; especially the soft tone of yellow ♥♥♥

  20. So lovely colors and aspects; a funny squirrel and so cosy nice socks for cold days!! Lovely! Have a good, happy day and healthy week, too! Best regards!

  21. I love your Halloween pepper and thank you for linking back to the low carb diabetic blog.

    Your photo's are lovely, I especially like the colours on the fishermans socks, and your plate of 'Halloween' peppers looks very colourful and so tasty.

    Enjoy your week

    All the best Jan

  22. Hi Sara, Such a lovely autumn post! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments and get well wishes. The doctor's report was very positive, I have a new prescription and I'm feeling quite optimistic. Thank you again, blogging sisters are so kind.

  23. The finished socks look very nice Sara and a certain fisherman is sure to appreciate them. I saw a pepper cut out on another blog post and they must be hard to carve like a pumpkin.
    I just hope it doesn't snow for Halloween, we have flurries in our forecast.

  24. Halloween is second only to Christmas for most kids here in North America. They look forward so much to getting dressed up in their costumes and going door to door for treats. I had no idea that it was also celebrated to any extent in Europe. Great looking socks, by the way. They really look warm and cozy.

  25. Sara, I'm impressed by your beautiful socks, it was hard work knitting of different color threads. The Halloween's pepper is a good idea as well, I'd like to have it instead of pumpkin.

  26. Haha! I love the carved peppers! And the socks look so cosy and warm. The highlight here for me is definitely your squirrel capture - too cute!

  27. Hi, sweet Sara! Your pepper is just too cute :) And I love the floating candle picture. Oh, and those socks look so wonderful and warm.

    Have a glorious day, dear one. Hugs!

  28. This week has been crazy, so I just read your comment (Wednesday morning) about the two thumbnails you included. I left them both this time, but you are right, it is only one thumbnail pic per blog.
    I LOVE the socks you made for that person. Is it a Ravelry pattern? Please, let me know, my son lives now in Holland, so he could use some...thanks so much!

  29. Siis vitsit, miten hauska idea toi keltainen paprika!
    Miten en ole koskaan tullut ajatelleeksi!

  30. Spooky squirrel! :-) Great photos.

    Greetings from London.

  31. Kiva kynttilälyhty <3

  32. I like the idea of carving peppers instead of pumpkins. The Irish used to put out turnips for Halloween. Ha. Love the sock. I need to learn to knit.

  33. What a fun idea to make Halloween peppers! - Loving the squirrel. Very different from out brown squirrels.

  34. Upeita keltaisia juttuja, keltainen on kaunista:)


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