Welcome to Villa Emilia (My Woodland Garden), a photography blog with a slant towards gardening and nature. An amateur gardener and photographer, I hope to share beautiful moments with you through pictures. Let me know if you like them! ❤

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The first week of February

Capturing sunshine, admiring winter's beauty, shopping, remembering Christmas (jellies), trying to eat in a healthy way, finding a Valentine potato, enjoying the seventh season of Doc Martin and knitting...

NB This photo has been tinted.

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46 kommenttia:

  1. Such fantastic photos as always. Your Valentine potato made me smile :)) Have a lovely weekend dear Sara ♥

  2. Lovely photos. I'm always struck by the blue skies in your photos. Even if there's snow and it's cold I think going out is more enjoyable when there's bright light and some sunshine. We're trying to eat healthily too. The potato is amusing! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. just gorgeous! all of them! my favourite photo is the 2nd one- the snow looks so light and fluffy! looks like a cotton plant! and how wonderful is that potato! <3

  4. I thought at first that Valentine potatoes must be some old Finnish custom - now I understand! A nice cheerful post.

  5. Raikkaus, se sana minulle tuli mieleen tästä postauksesta.

  6. Thank you, Sara put light, color, rich and sweet. on Saturday, gray :))
    Buen fin de semana.

  7. Hyvältä kuulostaa ja näyttää sun helmikuu!

  8. Kaunis ja valoisa helmikuun alku ♥
    Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  9. Your photos are always so great. I like the valentine potato. Have a blessed day and wonderful weekend. Madeline

  10. Hi Sara! A wonderful assortment of photos! I found a heart shaped potato once but it was tiny!
    I'm impressed that you still have jellies left from Christmas! All my sweets are long gone!
    Have a lovely weekend

  11. Love Doc Martin!
    What an amazing find, a heart shaped potatoe!! Baked potatoe for you on Valentines Day.
    What brand is your wool? You always manage to find the most amazing colours. Would make a great scarf.
    Amazing photos as always Sara.
    Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Prunella! :) I'm exactly making a scarf!
      The yarn (100 % acrylic) is Novita's Puro Batik. I didn't find it any more at the manufacturer's website and contacted them to know if it's still produced. (Haven't received an answer yet.)
      Have a lovely week ahead!

    2. Thank you Sara.
      Love knitting scarfs. Have had a look on the novita website & they do some lovely yarns.
      Happy knitting and have a great week :)

  12. Although it is still Saturday here it is far from sunlit so I appreciate your bright colourful pictures with just a little snow - I will swap it for our wind and rain any day.

  13. Cheerful, colourful and artistic photography. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great photos, after we had a dull February day. Nice you found a Valentine potatoe, I go and have a look at my potatoes in the basement, may be I find a heart too, I don't think so.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  15. I was going to ask what a Valentine potato is and I saw it for myself! Will it be cooked and a special offering to anyone? Hopefully Judy (above) will find one too, it would make her day, wouldn't it?

  16. Beautiful images Sara. That's quite a potato! Love your yarn, what are you knitting with it?

    1. Thank you, Linda! It's going to be a tube scarf, I hope. :)

  17. Foto sempre deliziose, non avevo mai visto una patata a forma di cuore. 😊

  18. Absolutely stunning photos. you've made me realise I should stop being lazy with my own photography. wonderful x

  19. The potato is wonderful! I can think of some funny/wry captions to go with it!
    The yard you are knitting is lovely. What are you making?

    1. Thank you! :) I adore multicoloured yarns. With this one I'm making a tube scarf.

  20. Valentinen peruna. Enpä moista ole kuullut hahaa. Pane nyt töpinäksi ja tee oman tyyppinen Valentinen kortti Kylläpä nyt hymyilyttää.

  21. Lovely photos ! I have seen all of Doc Martin years ago just one of my many British TV series I have seen and enjoy ! Thanks for sharing , have a good week !

  22. Voi ihanuus mitä söpöyksiä, sydänperuna :) Minäkin olen jäänyt koukkuun siihen outoon tohtorisarjaan. Siellä hieno Filippan paitakin vilahti. Onneksi tämä tammikuu, herkuton kuukausi, on nyt ohi, hih.

    1. Kiitos, Sametti Hortensia! <3 Helmikuu onkin aikamoinen herkuttelukuukausi.
      Filippa-tuote on paitamekko. Tummansinisenä ehdoton lempivaatteeni, jos kuumalla säällä on pakko liikkua paljon kaupungilla tms. Eihän sitä tosin Suomessa kovin usein satu... :D

  23. Beautiful photos. The light on the grapes and fruit bowl is so pretty. And what a potato!

  24. It looks like February is treating you well so far - I love all the food shots, especially the heart shaped potato. In the way of nature pictures, all those featuring ice and frost are just stunning!!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

  25. So much beautiful sunshine in your photos Sara.
    The fruit looks delicious and I love the colours of your wool on the needles.
    We love Doc Martin in New Zealand too!

  26. Ystävänpäiväperuna ;)

  27. Kauniita, värikkäitä kuvia. Varsinkin vesitippa oksassa ja jääkuva kuvastavat hyvin tämän hetken helmikuuta. Tunnelma sisäkuvissa on kotoinen ja lämmin. Enpä ole tuollaista Ystävänpäiväperunaa ennen nähnyt. Hyvää työtä.

    T. Täysin arkista

  28. Kauniita helmikuu-kuvia. Kiva peruna.

  29. Kauniita kuvia! Sekä jää, että kirkkaat värit tuntuvat yhtä hyvälle!:)

  30. really beautiful pictures :)

  31. Kauniit värikkäät kuvat!

  32. Kauniit selkeät kuvat :)

  33. Kylläpäs karkkikuulat näyttääkin hyviltä! Kauniisti kuvattuja kaikki.

  34. Hih. Ihania kuvia. Ja vitsi mikä peruna. Kyllä tuollainen juures on kuvatta. :)

  35. I so enjoy seeing your photos and you've brought such a varied selection from the outdoors as well as cozy indoor ones. Beautiful!


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